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Our Traditional Ceremonies

Connecting with our ancestors & our traditions

In the heart of our cultural heritage lies a profound connection to our ancestors and traditions. Through our traditional ceremonies, we bridge the past and present, honoring the wisdom and legacy passed down through generations.


Sunrise Ceremony

In preparation for our yearly ceremonies, our members embark on a 13-day to one-month journey of physical, spiritual, and energetic readiness to honor the primary source of our energy, the Sun. Within our tradition, the Sun is the main source of our energy, the light in our lives, and the force that rejuvenates us. Each day before sunrise, our members gather to sing, pray, and present offerings, welcoming the Sun to a new day. Through these rituals, we align ourselves with the Sun's energy, fostering a deep connection with the earth and each other as we ready ourselves for the significant ceremonies ahead.


Mexica New
Year Ceremony

The Mexica New Year ceremony marks the beginning of a new cycle in the Aztec calendar, as observed by our ancestors. This event brings us together to honor our forebears and celebrate the sacred calendar they left as their legacy. Through this ceremony, we pay tribute to their wisdom and ensure the continuation of their traditions in our community

Huitzilopochtli Ceremony

The Huitzilopochtli Ceremony observes the winter solstice, celebrating the birth of Huitzilopochtli. This sacred event marks the rebirth of light and honors the spirit of Huitzilopochtli, reflecting our deep connection to the rhythms of nature and the wisdom of our ancestors

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